13 December 2010

Optimising Your Office Space

Research published by AWA reveals some interesting usage statistics about office space, indicating that, in some cases, accommodation costs can be 50% higher than needed because we're intellectually wedded to the idea of going to work and sitting at "my desk".

It's a sobering thought.

When you consider that workers can be away from their desks for much of the time at meetings, visiting clients, on holiday or sick leave, it's not difficult to understand how some organisations achieve, according to AWA, a mere 50% occupancy rate.

As a Virtual Assistance Service, we understand that working with virtual colleagues can present new challenges, however improvements in IT and communications technologies allow for free tele-conferencing, online meetings, document sharing in ways that were unimaginable for most businesses just a decade ago.

I'm probably what you'd describe as an "early adopter" when it comes to IT.  In fact, some have even said "geek" which I think is a little harsh.  But for a long time now I've been convinced that the advantages of virtual working are not just about skipping the commute and wearing comfy clothes.  Organisations benefit from a larger workforce for no extra outlay in terms of office space and equipment while bringing on board skilled talent with specific expertise to get the job done.
