01 December 2010

New Look

Rather than commenting on the unseasonably cold weather, I thought I would mention that we have a new look courtesy of the good people of Printshop.  We've gone all sleek and clean in appearance now - much how I hope I will be looking in person too if my new exercise regime ever pays dividends.

I'm so delighted to have some new business stationery and a new logo (that will be uploaded here soon).  It's so important to convey a professional image in correspondence and face-to-face contact, especially when we take so much care on behalf of our clients.  Until now it's been a classic case of "cobblers going without shoes".

I've just come back from collecting a couple of boxes of business cards and letterheadings that have filled me with enthusiasm, despite, even, the layer of snow accumulating outside.  Damn! I said I wouldn't mention the weather.